I only know about ginger potatoes when I visited my hubby hometown during our courtship. That day was the day that they were preparing for the “tang yuen” for the winter solstice festival. And I found out the ginger potatoes are used by them to cook it with the tang yuen.
I try to peel it for the first time many years back. And when I peeled it was sticky and slippery and I had to hold it tightl Furthermore, it is small in size as well. The textures are similar to Wild Yam/Huai Shan(淮山/山藥) . In fact they belong to the same family.
Step by step of peeling ginger potatoes:
1. Wash off the dirt that attached with the ginger potatoes.
2. Start peeling off the skin of ginger potatoes. Immediately after you peeled, you have to immerse the ginger potatoes into a bowl of water.
3. After finished peeling all the ginger potatoes, then you shredded it.
4. After shredded the ginger potatoes, immerse back into bowl of water again.
5. Wash it before you cooked. Once you see the ginger potatoes curled slightly, removed from heat. Usually my MIL loves to cook it with big pearl sago and mix together.
Big Pearl Sago with red colouring

I love to mix it with ginkgo sometimes and sometimes I will mix the all three together (ginger potatoes, big pearl sago and ginkgo). When the weather is hot, I will fridge it and served it cold after few hours.

I just realized that the ginger potatoes have so many advantages in term of health aspects. It helps to promote blood circulation, anti – aging, good for kidney, stomach, liver, spleen, intestines and etc…….
So have you tried this before? There are many others way to prepare ginger potatoes and I am looking forward to visit China and try their preparation of using ginger potatoes in their local delicacies.
wow..I would definitely love it!
this is new to me... :)
Wenn - yes, it's nice!
New Kid on the Blog - :)
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